Weller Antique 107
I’ll admit I’m a sucker for wheated bourbons. But I’m typically not a huge fan of higher proofs (yeah, yeah, I’m a wuss).
Weller Antique 107 is so damn smooth, though. The first taste greets you like a wave of rich caramel, spicy cinnamon, and a hint of oak. It is a little bit hot, but nothing cringey. It’s thinner in the mouth but has some punchy spice. The nose has all the usuals with a hint of citrus lingering in the background. Overall, Antique is bold, smooth, and got that sweet, sweet wheat with a tiny bit of heat. It’s not to be missed.
All Weller bottles are allocated. It’s no surprise this one is rare like the others. MSRP has recently been raised to $50, but you should absolutely buy it at that price if you can find it. Here’s the cheapest shipper I could locate: